ADSS Suspension Tension Clamp Galvanized Aluminum Clad Wire
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ADSS Suspension Tension Clamp Galvanized Aluminum Clad Wire


Galvanized Twisted Fence Wire for ADSS

1.The tension clamp for adss is used to connect terminal support,tension support,splice support and support of angle greater than 25°.

2.The configuration includes  1 set of terminal support ,2 sets of tension support,splice support,and whose angle is over 25°.
3.Users according to the fiber cable diameter , RTS or span select ion suitab le Tension Clamp.
4.The Tens ion Clamp for ADSS includes : Inner preformed armor rods, outer tension preformed rods, a thimble clevis, a clevis , two anchor shackles .

1.Inner preformed armor rods: Made of Aluminum-clad stee l ,with particulate grit
applied to increase friction . The terminals bend toward outside to keep cable form ab rasion .

2.Outer tension preformed rods: Made of Aluminum-clad stee l , the individual rod assemb led into groups to increase the strength of tension clamp in the condit ion of decreasing the stress imposed on cable.
3. Thinmble: Hot galvanized steel .
There are four types of failure loads : SOk N 、 70 k N 、 l OOk N 、 120 k N.
4.Clevis: Ho t galvanized stee l . It is used to conect thimb le clevis and anchor shack le. There are three types : SOKN ,70KN,1
OOKN , 120KN .
5.Anchor shack le: Hot galvanized stee l . Connecting support fastening . The type: U-5 is SOKN,U-7 is 70KN , U-10 1OO KN , U-12

ADSS suspension clamp 05



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